Tech Disclaimer and Copyright Notice

Tech disclaimer

By looking at articles, devices, schematics and whatnot, that are provided on this site, you confirm (and realise!) that you and ONLY you are responsible for whatever impact they may have on you or your belongings: sorry, but i may not be held responsible for your module built completely by you, even if you were using my circuit design. Improperly built or handled gear can blow up, fry your power supply, fry other modules in your rack, and do much more nasty destruction. I may not be held responsible for your actions: all the responsibility is on you and you only!

  1. I give no full guarantee that my designs/schematics are hundred percent correct and your build will work off the bat! I'm designing for common components, and test all of my designs rigorously. I never publish a design that i didn't actually build and test. But i am still just a human being and a SDIY enthusiast; i may make a mistake at some point.
  2. Safety first while working! All electronic devices have current in them that may ZAP you if you're not careful, so you better be! NEVER solder powered-on equipment. Unplug the cord from standalone boxes, take the module out of the system. Be careful while testing/debugging. Use common sense.
  3. If you are thinking about working with mains AC, e.g. making a DIY PSU, but don't know how a transformer works, what is live and neutral, and how is safety ground different from a zero referrence - DO NOT DO IT YET. Do an extensive read-up on that and adjacent topics, including mains AC safety, play around in simulators, and rigorously verify you know what you're doing if you get to actual work. Also consider just buying a PSU.
  4. If you are a beginner, don't plan a wall-sized modular synth just yet! Start simple with a CD40106 oscillator or an atari punk console. You will be less disappointed, stand more chance for success, and gain both theoretical and practical experience faster.
  5. Before plugging your newly built module/pedal/etc in, check the following with a multimeter in continuity mode:
    • Power pins are not shorted to one another (e.g. 12V, -12v and GND traces have no short-circuits). If it rings, you've got a short - find it before powering the unit on!
    • Integrated circuits receive correct power to the correct pins, and are oriented correctly. Make sure each power pin on each IC is connected to the correct power pin header using the multimeter.
  6. If you are getting into DIY audio gear just because you think it will be cheaper than buying - it's not worth it. While that may be true in the long run, with such kind of motivation the run won't be long, and you will just get annoyed. Handmade synths are, first and foremost, for fun!

Copyright notice

The schematics and boards presented on this website are designed and laid out by me. I never upload something i didn't put my effort and hard work into, but i sometimes upload designs that also directly incorporate others' effort at their base. It may vary from borrowing small bits'n'pieces to making a 'remix' of a complete device; in any case, the people whose ideas i directly base myself off, and what was borrowed, is always mentioned in the respective device's page. I am happy to see people figuring their custom builds out based off my designs, and support re-publishing the tweaks and mods they came up with. But, to keep the process safe and streamline, please, read the below points carefully.

For individuals

  1. "Individual" means one person (you), a SDIY enthusiast, building gear for themselves in a setting not affiliated with a registered sound equipment enterprise.
  2. You may not re-publish my original schematics online. Please, provide a link to this site instead. This is done so that if i find a mistake, i can fix it and not have a bad version circulating around forever.
  3. Units may be built by my designs for personal use. They can also be traded and sold as used gear.
  4. Units built by my designs and their direvatives may not be built with selling them as a goal. Basically: don't clone and sell my gear, even if you 'betterized' it.
  5. If you sold a unit built by my design, consider giving me a lil' kudos by buying my music.
  6. You may tweak and re-publish my designs modded by you. In such case, crediting me and, if applicable, the works i built my design upon, is mandatory.
  7. Modified versions of my design are to be published under CC BY-NC.

For enterprises

  1. You may not use my designs or their functional subsections in your products without express permission.
  2. You may not use this website's original content in any context without express permission.
  3. Licensing a design or its subsection for commercial usage is negotiable, and usually implies a single time fee.
  4. Reach out to for further info.

This page was initially published in: October 2020.
Last update: 20 July 2024