Modular Sound Synthesis


The aim of the “Modular Sound Synthesis” course is to teach the core theoretical and practical concepts of sound design and sound synthesis on a modular synthesizer system. Students will get guided hands-on experience with a full hardware Eurorack synthesizer, as well as courseworks to be completed on the hardware system or on a free virtual emulation (VCV Rack). Topics to be touched span from creation of classic synthesizer sounds, through sequencing and animating sound, to setting up autonomous complex systems.

Learning outcomes

By participating in this course, you will:


Classes: each Wednesday, 17:45 @ B308. 50 minutes, 10 minutes break, 60 minutes, 15 minutes non-obligatory 'supervised jams'

Grading: Attendance (at least 7 sessions) = 30%, each of the four homeworks = 10%, final project = 30%. You get % for each completed activity, summed up at the end of the semester.

Grade scale: 0-49% = fail, 50-59% = 1, 60-69% = 2, 70-79% = 3, 80-89% = 4, 90%+ = 5

Contact: (slower), telegram @kouyou / kouyou elysian, [userpic = white cartoon dragon on cyan background] (faster)

How to turn on the synthesizer setup

To power off: